In the Media

As an advocate for psychological well-being and healthy relationships, Katie has regularly featured in both local and national newspapers in Ireland opening up about her challenging journey. She has also featured on a variety of podcasts sharing her background and learnings in the hopes that it will inspire others to ‘own their story’ and view vulnerability as a strength.

Since being in Australia, she has been presented with a mix of opportunities from being an expert guest speaker in online webinars to contributing to articles in the Australian media, featuring in magazines and lifestyle websites such as ‘Body + Soul’ , Wellbeing, Wellbeing’s ‘Wild’, STELLAR (IRE) and Mamamia!.

Stay up to date with her media appearances here.


Rewire Your Relationships By Watching Today!

A great deal of what Katie explores with her clients is on how their relationships have shaped them into who they are, how they have impacted them, and how they might be able to transform them so that they feel more authentic, nourishing and aligned.

Discover more about this by watching any of the below events - grab a pen and paper to jot down some juicy tips!


Article written by Katie for The Indigo Project on Infidelity and it’s connection to Childhood Experiences June 2024. Click the image to read.

Comment for Laura Jackel on when boundaries need to be set with family members - even if it’s the ultimate boundary to protect your own psychological wellbeing. Click the image to be redirected to the full article.

Comment for Laura Jackel on the concept of divorce when your relationship plan has been interrupted unexpectedly. Click the image to be redirected to the full article.

Interview with Emily McGregory on relationship ‘fight styles’ & why having a conversation about this in your relationship is key to navigating conflict. Click the image to be directed to the full article.

Interview with Nikita Lee Fletcher on the impact of “phubbing” on your relationship(s). Click the image to be directed to the full article.

Interview with writer Phoebe Blogg for The Fix - Australia’s first period supplement company. Click the image to be redirected to the article.

Only available in hard copy in Body + Soul, November 20th 2022.

Click on the image to read the article in full.

Talking all things ‘Friendships’ with Phoebe Burgess. Click on the image to be directed to the episode now on Spotify.

Click on the image to read the online article.

Click on the image to read the online article.

Page 1: available only in hardcopy, issue 10 of Wellbeing WILD 2022.

Page 2: available only in hardcopy, issue 10 of Wellbeing WILD 2022.

katie O'Donoghue piece .jpg
Click image to read the article.

Click image to read the article.

Click the image to read the article.

Click the image to read the article.

Comment for Laura Jackel on money issues creating family conflict & why it’s not one daughters responsibility to financially take care of the other when there is a wealth gap. Click the image to be redirected to the full article.

Interview with Shannen Findlay talking all about Love Languages including it’s dark side & why they could be limiting to you in your relationship(s). Click to the image to be directed to the article.

Only available in hard copy of Body + Soul Magazine, February 19th 2023.

Irish Stellar Magazine on Jealousy - available only in hard copy as of Nov’22

Click on the image to read the online article in full.

Click image to read the online article.

Click the image to read the online article.

Click the image to read the online article.

Click on the image to be redirected to Spotify.

Click on the image to be redirected to Spotify.

Click image to read the article.

Click image to read the article.