Anxiety Can Be Your Friend.

Here’s what you will learn - 27 pages included in this download:

  • Understand what anxiety is and how to spot the signs and symptoms.

  • Identify how your anxiety shows up and learn how to break it down.

  • Tools to keep you calm when life triggers your anxiety and ways that you can help yourself.

  • Journaling questions to see what anxiety is trying to teach you.

  • Plus a list of my go-to books and resources on emotional health!

    *Not just for women, pink is just a reflection of your conditioning - this is for everyone!

“For many years I was an over-thinker, over-analyser, people pleaser, and perfectionist believing that this was just ‘how I am’. What I didn’t realise was that these were attributes to something that can be referred to as ‘high functioning anxiety’. I was running on stress induced energy, trying to appease others, and ‘paint the perfect picture’ but deep down I was suffocating. My anxiety was swallowing me whole.”

— Katie O’Donoghue