1 to 1 Relationship Coaching

An Overview of Katie’s Approach to Relationship Coaching

Credentials: Katie O’Donoghue is a Relationship Coach and Couples Therapist who has trained with The Gottman Institute (US), The Clique Coach Academy (UK), has acquired a B.A at University College of Cork, Ireland and is currently completing a second degree, a B.A in Psychology with Dublin City University, Ireland (online, graduating in 2025). Katie has also acquired other professional development certifications inclusive of an Anxiety Management Diploma, a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Diploma, and an Inner Child Healing Diploma. Finally, Katie receives continued support from her coach training academy, adheres to the International Coach Federation (ICF) code of ethics, and is a student member of the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI).

The Assessment Phase & 4 Step Process

Session One & Two – Getting To Know You

In these sessions, Katie will speak with you about your life story, areas of concern, experiences of previous therapy/coaching, hopes and expectations for this journey, possible fears about this journey, cost-benefit analysis of your current relationship (if any), and the importance of how to end sessions. You have control over how much information you feel comfortable disclosing in these sessions. This is an opportunity for you to share thoughts, feelings, and perceptions – and to understand if you both are a good fit together.


Third Session – Setting Goals To Reach

As it takes time to get to know you, Katie will only share her recommendations about how to reach your goals in this session. This will be based off the previous sessions and what you choose to disclose. This is a collaborative decision where you are encouraged to consider what you believe would be best to spend some time working on. Interventions designed to increase closeness and intimacy in your relationship(s) are aimed at improving friendship, deepening emotional connection(s), and creating changes which enhance your shared goals with other people/with your romantic partner. Conflict interventions are designed to replace negative patterns which lead to relationship demise with positive interactions aimed at repairing past hurts. Inner Child work is used with an aim of increasing your self-awareness around how you show up in your relationships - see the 4 step process below for more guidance around the strategy related to this approach. Relapse prevention can also be addressed.

Katie’s 4 Step Process For Relationship Alchemy

  • During the first few weeks, we will begin to uncover your subconscious blocks that have been preventing you from achieving what you desire. You will begin to become aware of your inner conditions and acquire a new level of self-awareness through exploring your core material (feelings, beliefs, and fears created in your earlier years). This core material has acted as a blueprint for all of your relationships in adulthood, and it was your Inner Child who created such material.

  • During the next couple of weeks, we will begin to investigate your triggers and negative reactions. You will begin to become aware of the manifestation of patterns and unhelpful habits that have not been serving you in your relationship/dating life. Elements of forgiveness, acceptance, compassion, and letting go of what is no longer serving you will be incorporated into your way of relating.

  • During the next few weeks, we will begin to develop patterns to help you overcome your limiting beliefs and fears in the pursuit of your relationship goals. New helpful habits will be instilled.

  • In the next few weeks, the new patterns will be used to achieve the goals set out at the beginning of your journey. Successes will be celebrated and a self-reflection on initial goals will be carried out. A plan for the future and new goals will be identified to keep you moving forward in your desired direction.

You will be encouraged to attend a minimum of three sessions.

Thereafter, the length of coaching will be determined by your specific needs and goals. During coaching, your progress will be assessed, and you will be encouraged to communicate about what you feel is working well and is not working well along your journey. Most of the work will involve sessions that last for a duration of 50minutes and you will be expected to bring elements you would like to discuss to sessions. You will be given skills-based exercises to practice between sessions and/or reflection questions if Katie believes there are deeper levels of introspection required to get your relationship/life to where you want it to be. You will be expected to implement the strategies provided as not completing the assigned strategies will likely affect the level of success on your journey. You will be encouraged to raise any questions or concerns that you have as you move along the therapy journey. This is part of the collaboration element.

Length of Coaching & Important Reminders for Sessions

What clients have to say about being on their journey with me:

In 2022, this is what the statistics said about relationships….

Lack of Commitment

And the most common causes of a relationship breakdown?

Too much Conflict

Lack of Intimacy


You don’t have to stay stuck in relationship patterns that were mainly created through past experiences.

You can choose to create new successful relationship patterns today.

Not sure if you trust or believe me?

Before I started my journey, I used to think there was “no hope” of me finding “the one”. I used to think I would never be happy, be loved or feel “good enough”.

Like a broken record stuck on replay, I kept playing the same old “broken record” of the past; reliving past injustices, self-sabotaging my relationship goals, feeling powerless, shameful, out of control & like a victim to my circumstances - all of which activated failure patterns & failure feelings which affected my present & future outcome.

It took me a while to realise that I had a choice in all areas of my life and relationships.

It took me a while to realise that I didn’t have to remain stuck in toxic patterns and relationships; to realise that I actually had a choice in what happens in my love life.

And one day, when I finally had enough of being stuck, I chose to play a new record - to create new patterns - and that’s when I totally changed my life and relationships.

And I’m here to say, you can too.

What clients have to say about being on their journey with me:

Since late 2020, I’ve worked with and held space for 400+ people from all kinds of backgrounds in a mixture of 1:1, 1:2 and group settings. And I’ve discovered that there are some key components to creating a safe, stable and nurturing relationship (with yourself and with those around you):

  • Becoming introspective and curious on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours around your Self and Others so you can become more conscious of your patterns and choices. By doing this, you can understand when your past has become present and take some necessary action.

  • Psychology is the study of your mind and how it affects your behaviour. Instead of merely identifying what isn’t working so well for you and your relationships, you’ll be educated and up skilled to understand your own psychology (belief formation, fear creation, managing anxiety, and so much more).

  • With few role models for true self love in society, it’s easy to be misguided, to lose your identity and to feel out of alignment or a little disconnected. Without learning to love yourself, your choices will stem from fear, shame, guilt, or punishment for being a “bad” human. As your self-awareness and knowledge of psychology increases, you’ll find it easier to know when you’re not being loving to yourself – and to those around you.

  • In your relationships, you may find that ‘how’ you say things shapes the relationship for better or for worse. Understanding how to express yourself, even when it’s hard, and learning how to say what you mean and mean what you say is key to connection and conflict resolution with another.

  • The inner child’s story is like a lens through which you view your adulthood life. When left unexplored, it can keep you in a distorted way of viewing yourself, others and the world around you. Reclaiming and working with your inner child is a restorative and freeing practice that will help you to build new narratives and patterns.

Will the next few weeks be a time in your life where you will one day look back on it all and say “That’s when I made the choice to completely change my love life” ?

You get to decide!

Relationship Resources

 Want quick tips on relationships? Listen to season three and learn on the go today!

Suffering from anxiety? Find instant support and feel more at ease with this free booklet!